NYC Best: Num Num, Num Pang

num pang spread

num pang spread

Num num num num — ‘nough said. Num Pang is a Cambodian sandwich shop in NYC and is the Cambodian term for bread or sandwich. A midweek lunch excursion took me from our flatiron office down to their union square outpost for one of the better lunch discoveries I’ve had in a long time. Their menu lists several mainstay made to order options, as well as a few special seasonals.

All the sandwiches are served with cucumber, pickled carrots, cilantro and chili mayo on freshly baked bread. My choice? The grilled khmer sausage with asian slaw, a cup of greenmarket gazpacho soup and a blood orange lemonade to wash it all down. I probably don’t need to provide much of a detailed explanation for you to read that list and need more convincing of its deliciousness — the perfect combinations of fresh ingredients, married together with Cambodian seasonings for 15 minutes of simple eating enjoyment. My only advice: go early and midweek to avoid the lines.

Map: 140 East 41st or 21 East 12th Street
Reservations: Not Taken
Delivery: Yes!
Phone: 212-255-3271


Filed under Eat Here!, NYC Best

4 responses to “NYC Best: Num Num, Num Pang

  1. I’m a longtime fan of Num Pang but you should know that they are opening a new location on bway and 25th st soon so maybe less lines!

    • Good to know! Thanks for sharing — much closer to the office and easier to make this a weekly routine

      • that’s what it sounded like when you mentioned your office. glad to help! i assume you’ve been to No 7 on bway and 29th? i think their sandwiches are off the hook. so inventive as well as tasty. having the two places near each other will be a luxurious decision!

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