recipe goodness :: bison, a better burger worth biting into

Bison: A Better Burger

What if I said you could have your burger and eat it too? All this talk about Americans getting too fat might have you second guessing whether or not to grill up that beef patty next time you have a craving for the All-American classic. But what you may not know is that there is a healthy alternative that doesn’t have anything to do with tofu or veggie patties. Bison {you know, those big wooly mammoth-looking creatures) actually tastes much like premium beef, if not richer, but with a far superior nutrient profile. Bison is a highly nutrient dense food because of the proportion of protein, fat, mineral, and fatty acids to its caloric value.  Okay, what does that all really mean? Take a look at the chart here and see for yourself.

Shocked? I was too when I first had a bison burger and thought it was beef. It wasn’t until after I took down the last bite that I decided to do a little research and learned just how much healthier bison is than what are seemingly low-fat proteins, such as chicken or salmon. In fact, Whole Foods recently started promoting what they call ANDI, or “Aggregate Nutrient Density Index,” which scores food based on an extensive range of micronutrients, including but not limited to: vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidant capacities, and Bison nabbed the top 2 spots in the ANDI Top 10 Meat list.

1. Bison, top-sirloin (39)
2. Bison, chuck roast (36)
3. Pork Tenderloin (34)
4. Flank Steak (27)
5. Chicken Breast (27)
6. Turkey, light-meat (25)
7. Turkey, dark-meat (24)
8. Pork Chops (24)
9. Ground Beef, 85%-90% lean (20-23)
10. Beef, top round (22)

So next time you’re rolling down the aisle of the grocery store, picking up the spread for your next BBQ {Memorial Day is only a week away}, throw a little bison in the basket and just see if you and your friends don’t fall in love.

Bison, A Better Burger

1/4-1/2 lb. per patty
Fresh Rosemary
Olive Oil
Fresh Buffalo Mozzarella
Olive Tapenade
Italian Bun

In a mixing bowl, drizzle a little olive oil over the bison {not required, but helps keep the burger juicy since it is so lean}, add salt and a few good cranks of black pepper to season. I also like throw in rosemary from 1-2 sprigs depending on how much you’re making as I think it adds a nice fresh, herby flavor to an otherwise standard quarter pounder. Gently mix all together and form into equal sized patties to serve your crowd.

Tip: Place the patties on a tray and put a thumb imprint in the center of each patty about halfway through the thickness of the meat. Since meat contracts when it cooks, this will allow the center of the burger to cook to the same doneness as the outer edges and prevent your final product from looking like a football.

Cook the burgers over medium heat until desired doneness. Note: because there is VERY little fat content in bison, it is best to cook low and slow to maintain the moisture and prevent the meat from drying out. Once you flip the burgers, add a slice of fresh buffalo mozzarella on top to melt and lightly toast the buns on the grill. Remove the toasted bun, slather on some olive tapenade, stack the lettuce, tomato and newly loved bison burger, hold on tight and enjoy! The saltiness of the olive tapenade is a perfect complement to the creamy, mild mozzarella and lean, rich bison. I think you’ll find these flavors truly spectacular!

This delicious burger would also would go great with a side or topping of Tropical Fruit & Avocado Salsa or Creole Roasted Fresh Corn-Tomato Salsa.

More on The Great Burger Debate:
It’s All About the Bun @ Zaitzeff
5 & Dime: 10 oz. at Five Napkin Burger, that is

1 Comment

Filed under @home {recipes to love}

One response to “recipe goodness :: bison, a better burger worth biting into

  1. Tes

    The burger looks stunning. It’s simply delicious. I love the recipe. Thanks for sharing.

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